Re: TI-H: Come on you guys, no more talk of cheating


Re: TI-H: Come on you guys, no more talk of cheating wrote:
> >Come on people, you're too worried about being suspicious.  Are you
> >prepared to stoop low enough to actually cheat on a test with one of
> >these things?  Come on, a teacher will find out some day and then no one
> >will be able to use them in your school, they may even make strict
> [snip]
> I agree.  If you want us (the list) to build all of you sophomores a
> cheating machine, then go somewhere else!  Where here to build a useful
> link to be used for productive applications, and if you need to cheat on
> your Algebra 2 tests, then we(the more mature group of this list) don't
> need your input.  You see, cheating didn't help me learn anything that I
> know.  Granted, I only know a small fraction of all there is to know about
> the topics being discussed on this list.  But that's the whole idea of a
> mailing list, minds cooperating to create useful devices that are helpful
> to everyone.  I don't need help on my College Calculus or AP Chemistry, so
> why should I help you cheat?  Here, for you guys that want to build a link
> to cheat, I'm opening a mailing list for you.  It's called
> "algebra-help@lists.morons".

Heh. The only thing you need to use a calculator to cheat on,
calculators arent allowed to use (French, History, etc). If you are so
bad that you need to cheat on a high school math course then youre just
