Re: TI-H: IR link _unofficial_ plans
> >> TI Linking protocol is the ONLY 100% accurate way to send and/or
> >> recieve data through the calculator's 2 line data bus. (I2C
> protocol
> >> is about 99.99999% accurate. ;) )
> >
> >Hmm...why so? It's just the way TI has done it.
> NO! TI does NOT USE I2C PROTOCOL!!!!! It's been proven and posted
> to this list a MILLION times!!!
Eh, that's not what I meant. I know TI uses its own protocol, with no
clock signal. And I know that's not I2C. I meant to ask why you think
the TI protocol is the _only_ 100% accurate protocol.
> >And the link port can be quite freely programmed for anyimaginable
> >protocol. The TI link protocol is only a piece of software, right?
> Yes; Yes.
*** Osma Suominen *** <a href=""></a> ***