Re: TI-H: RF/IR-link protocol


Re: TI-H: RF/IR-link protocol

Well, actaully that's not the simplest way.  See, for that idea you need 
two transmitters and two recievers.  Much more complex...  A Type3 link 
would only need one trnsmitter and one reciever, but requires the TI 
protocol.  A Type2 link uses R as send, etc..   This has been rehashed 
over and over again.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing is because of that chat meeting.  Was a 
time/place ever set up, it's supposed to be tonight, right?

> Thank you, that is the best explanation from anyone.  I've said twice 
> what the protocol is.  To climb a ladder, you start at the bottom.  To 
> build an RT/RF link, stazrt at the bottom, with a simple circuit that 
> puts the R wire on one set frequency, the W wire on one set frequency.  
> Onve we get the basics down, then it can be expanded(distance, 
> wavelengths, etc.) 
> By teh way, I would do this  myself, but I know little about electricity 
> and circuits, much less in conjunction with radio waves.  i'm just 
> suggesting my favorite and possible way.  Way to go for the person/people 
> who get these links working.  I'd be somewhat willing to make software 
> for this, but ...we don't really need it.  If we set it up simply, we can 
> test it with regular TI-os transmissions and zpong for example.
> -- 
> Compliments of:
> _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
>   Alan Bailey
>   IRC:Abalone
>   Web:
