Re: TI-H: Eric Barker
> > Sorry, I get pissed off when people take my idea and twist it into
> > their own! and that goes for everyone!!!
> Wait a minute. You are doing the same thing you accuse Eric of
> doing. Someone else (I don't remember who) created the original
Yes, but in this recent time period, I did bring it up to the list. When I
joined the list, everyone was talking about an IR link. Someone make a
reference to Walkie talkies. I asked the list if a WT could be used
somehow. So in this recent Time period, I am responsible for the
> RTLink, and although it was apparently a hoax, that is the source of
> this thread, or maybe from something before that. But I'm pretty
> sure that you didn't create the RTLink, and didn't inspire the
> RTLink, so it isn't really your idea either. How about this: NO ONE
> takes control of, or credit for, the RF link. It is a team effort.
I LOVE YOUR IDEA!!! Lets do that.