Re: TI-H: HOMEMADE LINK for TI-83?!?
Tony Do wrote:
> > I heard people talking about thriftylink? I'd really like a copy of the
> > old one which they said works with the -83? If it does someone please
> > either e-mail me or tell me where to get it. I'd really appreciate it,
> > it'd save me $45.
> Yeah, which version supposedly works? I'm in the process of (re)
> building mine.
> Thanks,
> Tony
Well that's a good question. I don't know which one all they said was
the old one whichever it is. If you have any please tell me where to
get it or if you're rebuilding it to work on the ti-83 I'd really
appreciate it if you'd send it to me and if it works give ya $5 or so
for it if ya want.