Re: TI-H: Q and C about long distence links
Orion2o6 Orion2o6 wrote:
> >I'm currently developing IRChat, which enables several calcs to be
> >used
> >for chat via IR or any other standard link, like the usual TI-TI wire,
> >or a T-wire built out of that if someone really wants to use one. :)
> >The idea is to use the I2C protocol. If this program really becomes
> >more
> >than an idea, I will probably post it here, though it doesn't really
> >belong to this list...
> >
> >I'm just waiting for a working IR link to give me some inspiration for
> >programming something semi-useful for it. Currently, I've got many
> >other
> In other words your trying to find someone to make a ir link.. and then
> you make some simple chat program for it... why don't you go and build an
> irlink.
Keith Burzinski is currently making an IR link. The chat program won't
be simple (at least by my measure), if it's going to be as good as I've
planned. I already made a simple IR link but it wasn't accepted by
myself or anyone else knowing the good and bad sides of different
designs. The one Keith is developing should be much better, once it is
released, hopefully next week.
*** Osma Suominen *** <a href=""></a> ***