TI-H: Link cunstruction status


TI-H: Link cunstruction status

TI>Ok, just as a status update I currently have a modem circuit and am in
TI>the proccess of checking it over, modifying it, etc.   This will, of
TI>course, only modulate the data unto audio frequencies.  I have little to
TI>no experiance in the radio field, but all that is needed is a tuneable
TI>2-way (2 freq) AUDIO radio link.  There is still an outstanding question
TI>that needs to be addressed:

       Well, I think if you can get this approach going it would
probably be best.. I really think the port puts out info faster than the
300 baud modem can take(I can type faster than a 300 baud modem can

Sysop of Imperial Realm (410) 799-8616
<a href="http://members.tripod.com/~Zarquon/">http://members.tripod.com/~Zarquon/</a>                        zarquon@gaianet.net