Re: TI-H: Come on you guys, no more talk of cheating
Yes, I agree that cheating is rather stupid because in our class anyway like
only 5 people actually know anything and I'm one of those 5 :) the only
possible use i could see for a test helper of this link is to compare
answers and maybe argue about wich one is correct and in doing so learing
something. and chances are the amount of hassle in getting the link to
connect and the probable lag/slowness of it will probably just make it
easier just to forget the whole thing and do it by yourself.
At 10:35 PM 11/5/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>Come on people, you're too worried about being suspicious. Are you
>>prepared to stoop low enough to actually cheat on a test with one of
>>these things? Come on, a teacher will find out some day and then no one
>>will be able to use them in your school, they may even make strict
>I agree. If you want us (the list) to build all of you sophomores a
>cheating machine, then go somewhere else! Where here to build a useful
>link to be used for productive applications, and if you need to cheat on
>your Algebra 2 tests, then we(the more mature group of this list) don't
>need your input. You see, cheating didn't help me learn anything that I
>know. Granted, I only know a small fraction of all there is to know about
>the topics being discussed on this list. But that's the whole idea of a
>mailing list, minds cooperating to create useful devices that are helpful
>to everyone. I don't need help on my College Calculus or AP Chemistry, so
>why should I help you cheat? Here, for you guys that want to build a link
>to cheat, I'm opening a mailing list for you. It's called
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David Lee