Re: TI-H: What we need to concentrate on with the RF


Re: TI-H: What we need to concentrate on with the RF

>   1. Lets stop talking about the IR link, it's not as affective as the 
> RF link.

It is just as effective for short distances, and a _lot_ less 
complicated to design and build, so we shouldn't drop the idea 
entirely.  But I agree that the RF link should still be the primary 

>   2. A two calc radio connection (not 3 or more)

No real reason for this if a different protocol is used.  But that 
will not require a new physical design anyway, so we can worry about 
that later.  The TI protocol of course will only support two calcs.

> For an issue link this, e-mail is rediculus.  We need a full IRC telnet, 
> (MUD) type chat area to disscuss the RF link.  It would be nice if there 
> were more chat area's link this.  If Mangus is listening, please, this 
> would be very nice and we could get things done much faster.

I agree that a real-time discussion would be _much_ more productive 
than email.  But why telnet?  Why not just IRC?  Maybe a #TI-Hardware 
channel on EFnet (or another network), similar to #calc-ti.
