Re: TI-H: Ti-H:RT Link f
On 11/05/96 04:13, ORION2O6 ORION2O6 muttered something stupid about Re:
TI-H: Ti-H:RT Link f
>On Tue, 5 Nov 1996 00:12:18 +0000 Lee Gentry
>><> writes:
>>They have a normal link cable program called talk85, maybe
>>someone could disassemble it, and hack it up.
>What is there to dissasemble people!!! It's a ti-basic program. I made
>one better than it about 2 years ago that had it's own mail system!
>geesh. Plus it's not edit locked..
Not the one he's talking about, eg the Talk85 for ZShell, written by
Branislav Bozgai, and available on It was not a BASIC program
using CBLWHATEVER routines, but one written in asm. It would be possible to
hack if the source is lying around, but I think we could maybe write a better
one anyway.
Golly! It's own mail system! Advanced technology!
Rob Linwood -- <a href=""></a> --
RSA in three lines of PERL:
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RSA in 3 lines of PERL ==>
------------------------->Oxymoron: Power Macintosh<-------------------------
* PW * Life is a series of very rude awakenings.