Re: TI-H: Ti-H:RT Link for chatting.


Re: TI-H: Ti-H:RT Link for chatting.

I've heard of a ZShell program called Talk-85. I've never seen it, but i've
been told it's a chatting program. And what is RT? I knoe RF nd IR, but RT
isn't ringing any bells....
 _| |_   ____   ___    _    _   _    ___   ___
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  | |   | |    | O \   \ \/ /  | |  |__ \ | O |
  \_\   |_|    \_|\_\   \__/   |_|   \__/ |  _/
    Travis Pettijohn    |_|

> From: Laurits S�gaard Nielsen <>
> To: List - ZShell <>; Ti - Hardware
> Subject: TI-H: Ti-H:RT Link for chatting.
> Date: Sunday, November 03, 1996 4:37 PM
> I think I could make a RT link that could be used for chatting over quite
> some distance. I just need somebody to write me a ZShell program to do
> chatting in. I should do the following:
> 	Be able to send all the characters on the Ti-85 in a quick and easy way.
> 	It should only send on the red linkwire and only recieve on the white
> linkwire.
> 	Some sort of error detection could also be useful.
> 	If full duplex is possible then also that.
> 	It should send "live" ie. no pressing enter after the sentence to
> transmit!
> To begin with you could just experiment with a normal linkcable.
> 			I'd appreciate any help. Laurits <>
> PS: More information will follow, when I am through building it.
