Re: TI-H: HOMEMADE LINK for TI-83?!?
Does anyone here have the older versions of ThriftyLink or any other
versions? I'm trying to get my hands on them as well as the LinkXXx
"This is the most logical route, Captain"
-= =-
: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: TI-H: HOMEMADE LINK for TI-83?!?
: Date: November 2, 1996 7:40 PM
: Well this may sound strange, but I built the $4 serial link cable
: for my 85 and 82, and just today I discovered I could send AND recieve
: stuff from my 83 also. it didn't work with the newer version of
: thriftylink, but it works fine with the old one.
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: |sysadmin|
: On Sat, 2 Nov 1996 wrote:
: > TI>> Since an -83 will receive programs, etc. from an -82,
couldn't we
: > TI>>use the serial cable and -82 software to at least send programs and
: > TI>>string (Assembler) files to the -83? Just a thought..