TI-H:Question: IR Link
TI-H:Question: IR Link
Subject: TI-H:Question: IR Link
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Laurits_S=F8gaard_Nielsen?= <CSN@dk-online.dk>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 20:57:58 +0100
In-Reply-To: <>
I found the following piece of text in a textfile called I2C.TXT:
>I've developed routines to implement support for the I2C interface in
>ZShell programs. I'll not try to explain how the I2C protocol works, but
>by using these routines it's possible to connect i2c-compatible circuits
>directly to the linkport (you connect anything to your TI85 on your own
>risk!). Much information about I2C-circuits can be found on Internet.
>Philips have documents in adobe acrobat (PDF) format describing many of
>their I2C-circuits. These documents also contains timinginformation and
>electrical data for the i2c-interface if anyone is interested.
>Why use I2C? There are many circuits with built-in I2C-interface. To
>mention some of them: EEPROMs, Clocks, IO-controllers,
> IR-transmitter/receivers and
>CPU:s. Every ic have an unique address (sometimes selectable) and
>therefore many ic:s can be connected to the same bus. A disadvantage is
>the price because many of these ic:s are expensive.
I was just wondering if anybody knows if it is possible to buy I2C circuits
with an ir transmitter/reciever and if possible where.
Have any of you ever seen these circuits? Could they possibly be used for
an IR - Link?
Regards Laurits S. Nielsen <CSN@dk-online.dk>