Re: TI-H: AC adaptor


Re: TI-H: AC adaptor wrote:
> I'm trying to build an AC adaptor for my 85.  I have an adaptor that outputs
> 6V DC (which is what the 6 AAA batts output) but it outputs that at (I think)
> 300mA.  How do I reduce that to the level that the calc needs?  I've tried
> hooking it to my calc by connecting the leads directly to the battery
> terminals.  It will turn on and not lose the memory, but the screen is
> totally "lit up".  Even at the lowest contrast level, you can't see anything.
>  I need to put in something to reduce the amps, but I'm not sure what.

Try connecting the adaptor through a 7805 voltage regulator, which keeps
the voltage at 5 VDC. Maybe your adapter outputs a little more than 6
volts. The voltage supplies to the calc must never exceed 6 volts.
