Re: ti-emu: roms


Re: ti-emu: roms

The ROM is the TI firmware that is on the calc when you buy it.  It is
what the CPU follows to do all the functions that the calc can do like
graphing.  Without it all the CPU can do is, well nothing.

In order to run the TI-emulators you need a ROM dump off the calc.  What
it is is a disk file containing all the ROM off the calc you want to
emulate.  All the  emulator does with out it is transalate the Z80's
instruction set to 8088 (PC) instructions and handles the different
ports of the microprocessor.

It is "illegal" to have a ROM dump without actually owning the calc.  I
know there are some sites that have them though, but they are hard to
find.  You can get on off your own calc.

