ti-emu: put stuff on emulator
ti-emu: put stuff on emulator
Subject: ti-emu: put stuff on emulator
From: Matthew S Trent <piguy@juno.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 20:34:47 pst
In-Reply-To: <>
How do you put stuff like zshell and games in the ti-85 emulator? You can
do it with the parralel link can't you? Is that the only way?
| http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7256/ |
| You can't expect your son to | Matthew S. Trent |
| do his homework, and eat a | <piguy@juno.com> |
| foot long hero without |"Friends don't let friends do Mac."|
| Prussian Dressing | /M\ /M\ /SSSSS\ <TTTTTT> |
| -Tim Allen | M \/ M SS____ TT |
| \|||/ | M MM M `"""SS TT |
| Wilson-> (o o) | M MM M \SSSSS/ TT |