[TIB] Re: AI


[TIB] Re: AI

On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Ecartis wrote:
> From: MyOwnLittlWorld@aol.com
> Subject: [TIB] Re: AI

[re: any websites with good AI information]

> well, the easiest way is to just use good old random #s...  perhaps you could
> weight the different actions differently if you wanted relative percents...
> Nick

For the serious AI information, you could try heading over to Amit's
Game Programming Info, or Gamasutra, or gamedev.net.  All three of
these sites seem to have both the reputation and the know-how, although
some articles may be hidden in a members-only section.  Google can help
you there.

Practical advice: Randomness is always easy, especially for Basic.  In
programming for "real computers," obviously, you'll want smarter AIs
than that.  Neural nets and genetic algorithms (GAs) are trendy at the
moment, but pretty much impossible to get working.  Search for "state
machines" for a simple and popular AI technique.  Also: "Fuzziness is
better than crispness."  Don't make a monster AI that *always* does the
same thing in the same situation, because that looks non-human.  Add
a (small) random component to just about everything your AI does, within
reason.  Players quickly learn that Mega-Tanks always turn to the left,
or that your Connect-Four AI always moves to the center on the second
move; and they *will* exploit predictability.

If you're looking for specific solutions (how to find optimal paths,
how to calculate relative troop strengths, how to evaluate board positions
in Othello), you're better off asking those specific questions to someone
who knows the answers (Google, Usenet, your CS professor, John Carmack).
Hope this gives you some starting points, and hope your game goes well,
