[TIB] Re: Quick VTI Question...


[TIB] Re: Quick VTI Question...

This Beta has a lot of bugs. I uninstalled it and downloaded an older version from source forge (www.sf.net), which works better, but it also has some bugs.

Eric Peterson wrote:
Okay...and when I hit the button to transfer things, TiLP closes itself.
----- Original Message -----
From: Aaron Sarna
To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 11:17 AM
Subject: [TIB] Re: Quick VTI Question...

TiLP (http://www.ticalc.org/pub/win/link/tilp.zip) is supposed to be able to interact with vTI as if it's a normal calculator. I haven't actually gotten it to work, but I have had a lot of problems with TiLP that most other people don't seem to have. All you should have to do is open vTI first (important), go into Setup>>Communication, under the link cable tab select vTI as your link and vitual port 2 as your port and under the calculator tab select whatever calculator vTI is set to. Hopefully it will work. If it doesn't, email the TiLP creator Romain Lievin at <a href="mailto: roms@tilp.info">roms@tilp.info</a>and ask him. He's very good about writing back and answering questions.

Eric Peterson wrote:
000801c32b7b$25740c80$0200a8c0@reflex" type="cite">
Yeah, 2.5b5.  And I got the files from my calculator to VTI, but how do I
get them from VTI to my PC?

----- Original Message -----
From: <robvanwijk@gmx.net>
To: <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 4:32 AM
Subject: [TIB] Re: Quick VTI Question...

Could you please look up the version number. If it's 3.0, then the
answer is simple, you won't. At this moment, 3.0 is only a beta,
and does not support any kind of linking whatsoever. If you've got
2.5 beta 5, you should be able to get files of your calc. First, what
kind of link cable do you use? If you've got an USB cable, you're
out of luck, VTI doesn't support it. Otherwise, check to make sure
you've selected the right port. (Right click VTI, in the menu select
"Enable Cable Link >", and click the cable type/port combination
applicable. If you're not sure, just try them all, there are not that
many.) Also remember that VTI behaves just like a real calc, you
have to use the send and receive menu's, contrary to just leaving
it at the home screen when you're using Connect.
If it still doesn't work, try to explain the problem in some more

Good luck,
Rob van Wijk

Yeah, yeah.  I know this is supposedly off topic, but it should only
take a moment.

I'm running the latest version of VTI available (too lazy to look at the
version number) under WindowsXP.  I got TI-Connect the other day and
attempted to take Build 0156 of Orbital off of my calculator with little
success; all of the application files for TI-Connect had mysteriously

Naturally, I attempted to reinstall it several times before giving up
and hoping that VTI had a feature of some sort.  I know that I've used
VTI to transfer files from my calculator to my computer in a roundabout
way (the version of TI-Connect previous to this one didn't like the
copyright and registered symbols contained in my speech[] matrix), but I
can't figure out how in the world I did it.

Anyone know?

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