[TIB] Overhead RPGs, Round Two


[TIB] Overhead RPGs, Round Two

So then.  If someone (coughmecough) were to write an expandable game engine
for an overhead RPG, what would you expect to be in it as far as features
go?  I've written a couple of engines (the first one absolutely sucked, and
the second one was fast but looked like it was made of Lincoln Logs) that
weren't entirely great, but I have more than my fair share of lofty hopes
for the third round of this.

So...features anyone?  Just looking to bring something fun to do to the
general public.

(And a sidenote to anyone and everyone: if you're working on a LONG Ti-BASIC
project, use VTi as a sort of IDE.  Being able to type with blazing speed on
your keyboard is the best developer's tool yet.)
