[TIB] Re: data type issue


[TIB] Re: data type issue

Well, you could always just save every roll to a list, and just display 
the list - the OS formats the output for you. Simply:


Where A is the number that was rolled, L1 is the list, and B is the 
list's index. This would be the option to choose to accomlplish your 
'sucess checking.' Comparisons on a list are done like so:


I think you can take it from there.

But if you must have string output, it can be done. There really isn't a 
simple way to enter numerical data into a string from a variable though. 
Try this code [note, I'm using TI-83 tokens]:


Where A is your roll and Str1 is your string. Formatting the string is 
an exercise left up to the reader.


Tib wrote:
> I'm working on a die rolling program for when I play warhammer 40k and 
> need to roll obnoxious amounts of dice all at once and count the results. 
> Found my old TI-86 and figured it wouldn't be too hard. And it hasn't been 
> much of a challenge up till now. Here's what I've got so far:
> Input "# of dice? ",D
> For(R,1,D)
> randInt(1,6)->ROLL
> End
> Now this is all fine and dandy.. for rolling a bunch of dice individually. 
> What I'd like to do is as follows:
> " "->ALL
> Input "# of dice? ",D
> For(R,1,D)
> randInt(1,6)->ROLL
> End
> Disp ALL
> There's a little bit more to it than this, but you see my problem right 
> now I hope.. variable ALL is going to be used to store all the die rolls 
> so they can be output at the end in one lump rather than line by line. 
> Unfortunately the only way I can figure to do this so far is by the method 
> above ('ALL+" "+ROLL->ALL'), but this makes ALL a string and not an 
> integer, and as soon as I try to add each roll onto the end it complains 
> about data type problems. Is there a way to switch an integer into a 
> string and then tack it onto the end? Or maybe I am going about it wrong 
> and doing things in some sort of array format would work better (if that's 
> possible on a TI-86.. i'm working with no programming manual right now so 
> i've got no clue what the possibilities are). 
> Additionally, I'd like to add the option of it checking the results of 
> each die roll and if it's above a certain number it increments a 'success' 
> variable. In the end, I'd like something that ouputs similar to below:
> 40k-roller:
> # of dice?: (input 6)
> # to succeed?: (input 4)
> [clears screen]
> Rolled:
> 2,5,3,3,6,1
> Successes:
> 2
> Done.

Follow-Ups: References: