[TIB] Re: Get/Send Command in Basic


[TIB] Re: Get/Send Command in Basic

> It's actually very difficult to use the Get and Send commands in Basic 
> to do anything even remotely action oriented.
> As Pandrogas said, these commands aren't really meant to provide 
> connectivity between calcs, they're there to retrieve and send data from 
>   a CBL or CBR unit. That being said, I'll tell you this: I too once 
> tried to make a multiplayer game, and looked into the usage of the get 
> and send commands. What found was that these commands are really only 
> functional if each calc was waiting at a pause with the appropriate 
> command. Thus, you'd have to know what command other calc is waiting for 
> at the moment you wanted to send or get a variable, which is nearly 
> impossible to work out in any kind of action game. Even running a simple 
> RPG in this way is slow and cumbersome.
> I forget the usage of GetCalc, but I believe the other calc needs to be 
> paused in order for it to return a variable, so you're left with the 
> same situation as with the get and send commands.
> So follow the advice of the others, if you're really serious about 
> getting linkplay to work, get an ASM routine, as the Basic commands just 
> won't cut it.
> -c.j.w

>From my experience, only use GetCalc(, it is meant for communication
with another calc. Get( and Send( are for communication with a CBL.

Rob van Wijk

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