[TIB] Need Help


[TIB] Need Help

Hey ti-basic,

  i didn't knew where to ask for help so i joined this mailing list...
  i have Ti-83 Plus Silver Edition... and i installed MirrageOS ...
  first i could access [2nd][mem] but now i can't, it just doesn't do
  a thing... i tryed to [mode][alpha][S] then setting to defaults, and
  nothing. Well when i try to set to defaults or do for couple of
  seconds [mode][alpha][S] then i can access [2nd][mem] but if i do
  anything else i can't acces it again until i change something in
  memory or do [mode][alpha][S].... its just too weird for me...what
  can be wrong? maybe i deleted some program... coz i deleted all
  APPS.. i have Finance... and MirrageOS there..nothing more...so what
  should i do? is there anything?
  Thanks A Lot!

  by the way..when i transfer programs and games they don't go to
  MirrageOS folder as they did in first... y? maybe thats a clue...

Best regards,
