> 83 and 83+ asm programs are incompatible. Don't swap games
> add TI-82
> add TI-81
> add TI-80
> add TI-73
> (for anyone who has a ROM collection)
Hey, I'm not the HAKMEM's keeper here!
Or have I been involuntarily nominated? I figure the list
itself would keep it alive.
Anyway, please just add it in the format of the HAKMEM...
I. TI-73
II. TI-80
III. TI-81
IV. TI-82
V. TI-83
1. ASM for the 83 and 83+ are incompatible with each other-
programs for one will very likely die horribly on the other.
VI. TI-83+
1. Archived programs cannot be accessed.
2. You cannot delete PRG files from a BASIC program.
3. ASM for the 83+ and 83 are incompatible with each other-
programs for one will very likely die horribly on the other.
VII. TI-85
IX. TI-89
1. In the Toolbar...EndTbar section, on the Title lines,
you can define a 16x16 PIC file without quotes and it
will be displayed instead of a string.
X. TI-92
XI. TI-92+
1. Most things that work on the TI-89 work on the 92+.