[TIB] Re: euchre for 83+


[TIB] Re: euchre for 83+

> hi.. im trying to write my own euchre program.. but im not completely sure
> how i would go about getting only one of each card... i was trying to
> store each player to list 1,2,3,4.. each list would have 6 cell's used.
but the
> 6th cell would be what is used in the kitty. if anyone has any idea.
> please let me know.. thanks

I don't know what euchre and kitty are, but if you want to shuffle and deal
a bunch of cards, this would so the trick:

seq(C,C,1,52)->lCARDS (generate a stack of 52 cards)
For(S,52,1,-1)            (this should shuffle them)

lCARDS now is a list of shuffled cards.

Hope that helps,
Rob van Wijk

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