[TIB] Re: Question
[TIB] Re: Question
Yeah, I suppose I got a bit overzealous with my bashing of Goto and
Lbls, didn't I. :) The big danger with those is jumping out of a loop,
or out of an If Then statement. I do know that you get the mem back
after the program's done, etc. Using those commands specifically to loop
something is just a poor way of coding a loop on the calc, and that's
the point I was trying to make.
I just have it burned in my mind that Goto = bad.
Pandrogas wrote:
> Okay, so it does leak a little. For a small menu
> program, you won't notice it THAT much. ;)
> Good info though, thanks. :)
> --- robvanwijk@gmx.net wrote:
>>I've just checked it, the following program does NOT
>>any memory: (That is, at approx. 1200% of actual
>>it still didn't give a memory error after 5
>>Lbl A
>>Goto A
>>This, however, DOES leak memory (I'm going to assume
>>it's two bytes for every Repeat/Goto pair, but I
>>know how to verify this):
>>Lbl A
>>Repeat 1
>>Goto A
>>You probably already know this, but I'd still like
>>to note
>>that these memory leaks are not permanent, you will
>>regain every single byte of it when the program
>>(I can only gaurantee the correctness of this
>>for the 83, but it should work the same way for at
>>all Z80 calcs (73, 80, 81, 82, 83, 83+, 83+SE, 85,
>>Rob van Wijk
>>>There are a couple of good uses for those commands
>>>though. For instance, in a small program based
>>>menus, those commands can be used at pretty good
>>>efficiancy. For variable looping, I wouldn't use
>>>them, but they can be useful for earmarking spots
>>>smaller progs without much memory leakeage.
>>>--- CJ Wallace <WCylan@gmx.net> wrote:
>>+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more http://www.gmx.net
>>NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/
>>Min. surfen!
> =====
> May Canticta ever rise, rise out of the mire that holds it and become triumphant again! Long live Corinth!
> -Pandrogas
> "I am mage, a shadow in the light, a glimmer in the darkness, as eternal as the twilight. I am the mediation between the storms."
> -Pandrogas
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