[TIB] Re: Question
[TIB] Re: Question
I've just checked it, the following program does NOT leak
any memory: (That is, at approx. 1200% of actual speed,
it still didn't give a memory error after 5 minutes.)
Lbl A
Goto A
This, however, DOES leak memory (I'm going to assume
it's two bytes for every Repeat/Goto pair, but I wouldn't
know how to verify this):
Lbl A
Repeat 1
Goto A
You probably already know this, but I'd still like to note
that these memory leaks are not permanent, you will
regain every single byte of it when the program exits.
(I can only gaurantee the correctness of this information
for the 83, but it should work the same way for at least
all Z80 calcs (73, 80, 81, 82, 83, 83+, 83+SE, 85, 86).)
Rob van Wijk
> There are a couple of good uses for those commands
> though. For instance, in a small program based off
> menus, those commands can be used at pretty good
> efficiancy. For variable looping, I wouldn't use
> them, but they can be useful for earmarking spots in
> smaller progs without much memory leakeage.
> --- CJ Wallace <WCylan@gmx.net> wrote:
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