[TIB] Re: Matrix on the 92 plus


[TIB] Re: Matrix on the 92 plus

Ok.  I have an 89 and lately I just completed a little part of matrix algebra in Algebra II.  I'm surprized that I didn't speak earlier, but here it is.

[[1,2][3,4]]->a //Stores the matrix
a[1] //Returns row 1 = [1,2]
a[1,2] //Returns element 2 of row 1 = [2]
5->a[1,1] //Changes 1 to 5
a //displays the matrix = [[5,2][3,4]]
In a message dated Tue, 5 Nov 2002 11:23:33 +0100 (MET), robvanwijk@gmx.net writes:

> > Hi all, 
> > Ok I figured out from the manual how to make a matrix on the 92 plus
> >  
> > [[1,2,3][4,5,6]]->mat1 This makes the matrix with 1,2,3 as row 1 and
> > 4,5,6 as row 2. the thing I cant get to work is how to edit them. Like
> > for a list you do list[2] and that gives you the 2nd var in the list.
> > But with a matrix.aint gotta clue lol. Please someone fill me in on this
> > thnx.
> > 
> On the 83 it works like this: (A is the matrix)
> A{1,2} gives the second element of the first row.
> SomeNumber->A{1,2} stores the number to the second element
> of the first row, without effecting the rest of the matrix.
> I don't have a 92, but I'd guess you'd have to use either what I
> said, or replace the braces ( '{', '}' ) with brackets ( '[', ']' ).
> Otherwise, why don't you read the manual again, it should 
> be in
> there.....
> Grtz,
> Rob van Wijk
