[TIB] Re: help


[TIB] Re: help

> It's been a while, but I think they can pass programs and variables back
> and forth.  Or was it one way...?  Any way if you want to chat, look
> around in asm programs, I seem to remember a few doing that.

82's can send most variable types to an 83. In some cases, like programs,
there are a few catches. In your case, strings, their should not be any
problem. If you've got the 83 -> 83 chat working, then the 82 -> 83 works
too (at least, the sending / receiving works the same way). 83 -> 82 is a
problem though, because you can only send L1 through L6. Here are some
extracts from the 83's user manual:

"Linking a TI-82 and a TI-83
You can transfer from a TI-82 to a TI-83 all variables and programs. Also,
you can transfer from a TI-83 to a TI-82 lists L1 through L6."
"The only data type you can transmit from a TI-83 to a TI-82 is list data
stored in L1 through L6."
"Note: If dimension > 99 for a TI-83 list that is selected to send, the
receiving TI-82 will truncate the list at the ninety-ninth element during

Rob van Wijk

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ti-basic-bounce@lists.ticalc.org
> [mailto:ti-basic-bounce@lists.ticalc.org] On Behalf Of Joshua M. Abts
> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 5:39 PM
> To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: [TIB] help
> Can a TI-83 send things to a TI-82 or vice versa?  Like a chat
> message...  Thanks!

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