[TIB] Re: TI-83 Basic Stumper
[TIB] Re: TI-83 Basic Stumper
Just to clear something up, Rogue is a RPG, right? With the text
as status updates? (I've answered all your question with "Castle
of the Winds" in mind.)
> The point of that sample dialogue was two-fold:
> (a) The game would have to make sure that two lines of text
> remained on the screen at all times, as you pointed out
> in an earlier message ("That shouldn't be a problem").
> Hence the "LA LA LA LA... SCROLL..." message, which was
> meant as a sarcastic indication that adding extra text
> to the screen for no reason other than to make the
> internals of the game easier is not a Good Idea in
> general.
Line 1: "ROGUE V 1.0"
Don't clear the screen and you'll be fine.
> (b) The extra spaces in "YOU GET THE 85 GP." were intentional,
> and meant to indicate that all the "Disp tricks" to date
> have involved extra spaces in the output. I repeat again,
> correct output is more important than... well, anything.
> If you can't show the player the correct output, then why
> show him any output at all?
Point 1: There will be one extra space at most. If your program is
entertaining enough most people won't even notice it ;).
Point 2: Even with extra spaces, the output is still correct (IMHO).
> > Yes, it works, however, it is SLOW. Calculating regressions is not as
> > fast as just adding a bunch of numbers. Especially if you're gonna use
> > a lot of numbers, this will slow the game down noticeably.
> The game will probably only use the number-printing code once or twice
> (at most) per game turn, and in a roguelike game, the length of a turn
> depends on the player's input. That is, Rogue is more like chess or
> checkers than Doom or Asteroids; the only limit on processing time is
> the player's patience. I hope that made sense.
I understand what you mean. I like my programs to respond as quickly as
possible. However, even with two (lineair) regressions in it, the main game
loop could still be pretty quick. I'd like to urge you to reconsider the
you yourself gave earlier. I expect it to be faster than the regression.
While G
> > The only "problem" I see with Romman's solution is the extra space, but
> > I fail to see how a quick, short piece of code with one slight
> imperfection
> > would be worse then a rather slow, long piece of code, that uses a score
> > of extra variables.
> I've said this above, and I'll say it again: good programs produce correct
> output. Your programs produce wrong output. Give me a correct program
> and I'll give you a candy bar. Or something.
> > Could you please tell exactly what your problem with our solutions is,
> > because I'm not sure I get it.
> The "Disp tricks" require the player to subordinate his sense of
> aesthetics to the programmer's laziness. That's a Bad Thing.
Frankly, I think you're overreacting to a stupid little space. However, you
programming it, so you can make all the decisions. I was just giving my view
on the subject.
> Hope that helped (sigh),
> -Arthur
Rob van Wijk
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