[TIB] Re: randseed on TI-89
[TIB] Re: randseed on TI-89
> Think of the seed as an index into a table of pseudo random numbers.
> The table is static, that is seeding with the same value will always
> return the same sequence of random numbers. The conventional way to
> seed a random number generator is to use the current time from an
> internal clock as the seed, unfortunately the 89/92+ doesn't have a
> real time clock...
> This seems to leave us with no method to seed the random number
> generator in a non-deterministic way, since after a reset any
> algorythm used will produce the same seed value.
Actually, it is possible.
You would normally use the clock, to seed a pseudo random generator
with a truly random number, resulting in a real random generator.
Indeed, ti calcs don't have clocks, and (reset) algorithms return
the same value. So, we'll have to use a trick:
(This is 83-basic, I hope you understand it)
:Disp "","NAME","VERSION" ; intro screen
:Repeat getKey ; loop untill a key is pressed
:R+rand->R ; change R
:R->rand ; seed the pseudo random generator
; with a really random number making
; it a real random generator
; rest of program
Don't use "0->R" in front of the loop, that makes it "less random"
Don't use "R+1->R", that too, makes it "less random"
This isn't perfect, but it does come close.
Rob van Wijk
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