[TIB] Re: Basic Shell
[TIB] Re: Basic Shell
Shells are programs that interpose themselves between
the computer operating system and your programs.
Their basicly glorified prompts. A basic shell has
been made, but it can only be run by itself, you can't
add programs to it for autodetection. The only basic
shell I know of is a windows imitation. The ASM
shells will autodetect and run any and all ASM progs
for that particular shell. Since they run off from
libraries of functions, they can be adapted to use
other types of progs. As for making a shell, you'll
have your work cut out for you. And yes, ion, Ice,
Mirage, all of those are ASM shells. I hope this
clears up your confusion.
--- Zach Tong <zachtong@go-concepts.com> wrote:
> another one of my questions (don't worry, there will
> be a lot more of these to come!)
> Whats the diff between a BASIC Shell and ASM Shell (
> othere than being idfferent
> languages)
> is there a easy way to make one? (like me making
> one for example)
> and, are ASHELL, ION, and ICE ASM shells??
> thanks,
> zach
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