[TIB] Re: Keyboard input?!?!?!


[TIB] Re: Keyboard input?!?!?!

You can look at the index of your guidebook for the 89 to learn more about
commands that deal with input.  There is a special section in the guidebook
which deals just with the getkey codes.  (If you do not have a guidebook,
you can look at one online.)  I find that toolbars and dialogs can be very
useful in a program.  Also, there are a few helpful programming guides in
the misc. information files on www.ticalc.org .

----- Original Message -----
From: <Nitrocloud@aol.com>
To: <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 3:39 PM
Subject: [TIB] Re: Keyboard input?!?!?!

> TI-89
