[TIB] Re: Keyboard input?!?!?!
[TIB] Re: Keyboard input?!?!?!
0 -> K
Repeat K
getKey -> K
2 bytes smaller :)
The way I always do this on the 83 is: ...
0 -> K
While K=0
getKey -> K
... Because you don't use labels, you don't have to avoid
duplicate ones. Rob van Wijk >
> A loop that's similar to the C command, getch():
> I.e. it actively waits for you to push a key, not
> just return zero.
> Lbl Augh
> Getch /->/ K
> If K = 0
> Goto Augh
> ...more code here. probably deals with
> K.
> --SmartGamer
> --
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