[TIB] Re: Expanded functions for 83+ BASIC
[TIB] Re: Expanded functions for 83+ BASIC
I am responding to the idea of a flash application to add useful
functions to the Basic programmer. Your idea intrigues me. As for my
sugestion I would like to see a number of improvements. First would be
the addition of a function that could test to see if a key IS being
pressed, not what the last key pressed was. A function that could return
TRUE or FALSE so it could be used in a test. Maybe the agument of the
function could be the key to be checked, but use the same key-number
chart as GetKey(). So as...
if presskey(338):text "You Are Pressing Right"
It would also be nice if this function did not interefere with the
GetKey() command.
Another nice ability would to be able to recall only certain parts of
pics. Say if you had a pic that is 40*40 you could use a funtion to
recall the section of the pic between the rectangle (20,20) and height
and width of the section. In the same fasion StoPic() works but
backwards. The function could be like this: ParPic(pic name, row, column,
start row, start column, width, height) where "pic name" is the var name,
"row" and "column" is the place on the graph screen to print the sprite,
"start row" and "start column" is the location in the pic to begin the
new sprite recall from, and "width" and "height" is the width and height
of the new sprite. Thsi could be used so you could have one large
picture with many sprites stored in it that can be recalled in sections
instead of recalling the entire pic and saving all the sprites to
separate var then. it could also be used to keep the amount of small
picture files down. Also you could use it to create some wicked screen
loads where parts of the screen slide in or randomly appear. Othe
options could be the ability to recall parts with the Xor, And , or Or
If you have any comments or questions my e-mail is jessekill@juno.com
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