Re: TIB: Question concerning renaming
Re: TIB: Question concerning renaming
> for a year i wanted to do that,, i figured it out,,
<sarcasm>You figured it out? Good for you!</sarcasm> Unless you've ACTUALLY
figured it out, nobody gives two stinking shits!!!
> YOU CANT,, You're wrong. If x is a string containing the name you want to
store a value to, value->#x will work, as will expr("value->"&x). I just
tried these out 32.591 seconds ago on my TI-89. They work.
>i have consulted many people so just trust me,,
No. I don't trust you and no one else should either because you're WRONG. I
don't care who the hell you consulted, they're all wrong too.
>in advanced programs there is no reason to
Hmm...looks like you got cut short somehow, this was the end of the message
I got. <sarcasm>Damn.</sarcasm>
Since you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, I would
suggest that before you send any more messages to us asking us to trust you
because you "consulted many people," you test out your hypotheses yourself
on your TI-89. This will spare the mailing list from any further moronic
discourses with no base in fact or truth, and will spare me from having to
correct you again. And I HATE correcting people who think they are smart but
actually don't know the difference between a graphing calculator and a
Chinese wok. DON'T make me do it again. Thanks.
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