Re: TIB: Re: Re: Rom Dumps


Re: TIB: Re: Re: Rom Dumps

At 01:40 PM 10/15/00, you wrote:

>I had heard that AMS 2.03 on HW2 was a "damned" combination that couldn't
>run very much software w/o crashing. Perhaps I heard wrong. I use AMS 2.05
>on HW2 without problem with NOSTUB programs -- but there aren't any kernels
>out there yet that will run correctly on AMS 2.05, so there are many ASM
>programs out there that I can't use (thank God TI-Chess is NOSTUB!).
>Supposedly you can run DoorsOS II 0.98 on AMS 2.05 if you have HW2Patch
>installed, but I don't know how anybody could possibly know this because to
>patch AMS 2.05 you have to patch the .89u file on your computer and then
>recieve it with TIB Reciever, but TIB Reciever doesn't run on AMS 2.05!!!

I believe if you were to find a OS file for 2.03 or 2.04 it would work. You 
turn on TIB Receiver  with 2.04 AMS then patch the 2.05 AMS upgrade. 
Install the patched upgrade and there it is. Just anyone know where I may 
find a 2.04 AMS upgrade? 
