Re: TIB: THE TI-SPRITE FACTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: TIB: THE TI-SPRITE FACTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there's no porn on this site right? my ISP seems to have blocked it. 
also the corrected URL

At 03:13 PM 5/15/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Umm....I think you may have posted that URL wrong
>At 01:24 PM 5/15/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>the ti sprite factory is a new site where you can download free sprites or
>graphics to use in your
>>URL: http://www.stas/net/spritefact/
>>--Ranfinity, " the future is yours.."
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>Programmers don't die-they just GOSUB without RETURN
Programmers don't die-they just GOSUB without RETURN
