

Hey, I got a 96 on the AMC12... barely made it, yup.  And guess what was 
behind it?  TI-89!!  There was a problem about a 13x17 matrix, and the 
answer was 555 or something, and it was a simple bit of TI basic programming 
=)  A lot of other things I didn't wanna waste time on, like systems, were 
taken care of =)

and the AIME.  ummmmm.  Does "hell" ring a bell?  I think I got somewhere 
around 3 problems correct on that.  The "no calculator" rule found me doing 
reverse addition to cover up for my poor subtraction skills (haven't done it 
by hand for a while, since I learned multiplication and division in 
kindergarten)...  I actually got a system problem right... it was #7 i 
think, and the asnwer came out to be 1/4, (5 on the answer sheet).

Those questions were mad hard, though... for the (ax+b)^2000 one I tried to 
expand pascal's triangle to the 2000th tier using known identities like 
pascal's petals and such, and ended up giving up when I had to multiply 
numbers in the billions :P

ah well.  It was a challenge =)  And I'm glad you asked.  I feel better now 
about using 3 hours this morning ^_^

>Subject: TIB: AIME
>Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:42:52 EST
>I get to take the AIME tomorrow.  For those of you who don't know that's a 
>hour, 15 question test you get to take if you got at least a 92 on the 
>(formerly the ASHME) or in the top 10% (?) on the AMC-10.  Anyone else out
>there taking it tomorrow?  How'd everyone do on the AMC?  (I got a 118 on 
>AMC-12.)  The only reason I ask is because I figure these are probably the
>smartest people around and I'm curious.
>PS. If you feel this is off-topic and unnecessary, there is a simple
>solution: DON'T RESPOND!  Doing so only creates mail that is annoying to
>everyone.  Instead, delete this now.  Thank you.

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