Re: TIB: Re: TI-89 Basic question


Re: TIB: Re: TI-89 Basic question

In a message dated 03/23/2000 8:16:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< The TI-89 allows variable names up to eight characters long, so it thinks
 you are using a variable called "mx".
 Make sure you put that multiplication sign between the two letters!  m*x >>

ok, forgot about that.
well, unless a multiplication sign needs to be added in the middle of the 
string line somewhere, it's still not displaying what it should. it now 
displays (for x,y,xx,yy values of 2,3,7,7) "y=4/5x+c=7/5"
the program wasnt changed much besides the * in the middle of the m and x, 
but i'll stick the changed program on the bottom again anyways.
blah, ti-89s dont like me

Local  x,y,xx,yy,m,b
Prompt  x,y,xx,yy
Disp  "Slope is"
Disp  m
Disp  "y="&string(m)&"x+"&string(b)
