TIB: Beta Test


TIB: Beta Test

I think I've mentioned it before on this list, but I've been working on a 
game called Chessmaster 83 (obviously for the 83/83+).  In any case, I've 
finally finished it and got everything working the way I want it to.  What 
I'm looking for is a few people who would be willing to help me test it and 
look for bugs.  I'm looking for people who have at least some knowledge of 
chess, so they can tell if its allowing you to make an illegal move, not 
letting you make a legal one, missing a check, etc. and who could play 
through 2-2 complete games on the calculator to test out all the functions.  
If you're interested, let me know and I'll send you the game in the next day 
or two, hopefully.  Obviously, I would like whoever tests the game to not 
distribute or release it, and I would like for the test to be completed in 
about a week's time.  Thanks in advance.

Eric Tollefson
Cmdr ERT01@aol.com
