

I have two, count 'em, two new programs! One is the demo for the Arena 
Warrior 92 battle mode, and the other is a simple pseudographical organizer 
program for a 7-period school schedule. They're both enclosed on this e-mail. 

Attention: anyone who wants to help me with the rest of Arena Warrior 89/92, 
remember, on the TI-92+ the dialog boxes don't wrap lines, so you'll have to 
use more text commands. Make a practical limit of around 40 or so letters per 
line. Otherwise, your help will be appreciated. 

Grant: Is there any way you could make it a little easier to actually play 
Risk? I have to spend 30 minutes of math class loading the game and entering 
the countries, and the game crashes occasionally when I play it. Plus, I get 
"Dimension" errors when it loads a dialog box because you made the text lines 
longer than the limit! That, and the sheer size of the game, make it a real 
pain in the arse to play. As one of the few priviledged people lucky enough 
to own a TI-92+, I'd consider it a real help if you corrected these...small 

EVERYONE: Peace out.

<A HREF="http://prym.8m.com/">Prym.8m.Com!</A> Check out my site!
Matthew Glory, president of the Digital Wrestling Federation: <A 
HREF="http://prym.8m.com/dwf/">DWF Home page</A>
Programmers Anonymous: <A HREF="http://pa.ticalc.org/">http://pa.ticalc.org</A
ICQ:            55807773
TI-Calc ActiveList: 58286255
