Re: TIB:Text Scrolling
Re: TIB:Text Scrolling
On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 09:19:28 -0700 (PDT) Adam Cianfichi
<> writes:
> I own a TI-86 and I am writing an awesome RPG. I was
> wondering how to scroll text from the bottom to the
> top of the screen. I've seen it done in the
> "home-screen", but I was wondering if it was possible
> to do it on the GRAPH screen with "Text(" commands or
> something. I want to use it for talking in the game
> and in my INFO section of the game.
> If anyone could help I would appreciate it.
> Thanx
There is no easy way to do this on the 86. RcPic doesn't work because
you can't tell it where to recall to. So, the only way to scroll text is
to, each time, redisplay each string (which is @#*()$ slow, especially
using small font)
If you do it this way, put spaces after each string so that you don't
have to clear the screen after every display or else your calculator will
be cleared for most of the time and you won't read anything.
Have fun :)
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