Re: TIB: Extracting data from a string
Re: TIB: Extracting data from a string
Ok, I only have an 83, but this should go for the 86 as well. What I would
do is have set maximum lengths that string data (not the length of the
entire string, just an entry in the String). To do this, you just test the
length of the data, and if it fits in whatever size parition you want, then
just store it to wherever the next parition would start. Like this:say you
want a parition length of 5; and the first entry was: "BOB" The string
would look like this: "BOB_ _" (_=space). Then the next entry would be
"MANDY" The string would look like this: "BOB_ _MANDY" And so on, you
could get something like this: "BOB_ _MANDYDOUG_555554444_333_ _22_ _ _1_ _
_ _"
So, all you have to do when when extracting is (provided you've formatted
your data str to set segments) All you have to do is know at which parition
that data is in, multiply that number by the size of the parition, and
perform a sub( operation, with the length of it as the sizr of the parition:
sub( command works on the 83. .. .
Did you understand?
>I'm writing an address book program, and have come to the
conclusion that
>the only way to manage a large amount of data would be from a big string
>a big list. I've made a little program that can extract text from a list,
>that goes a bit like this [BTW: the stuff enclosed in quotes are comments,
>they screw up the Ans var but who cares. {this is for the 86}]
>"<Sample Info...>"
>"Hellothisisalargelist" -> BIGSTRING
>{5,4,2,1,5,4} -> BIGLIST
></Sample Info...>"
>While dimL BIGLIST > 1
>sum BIGLIST-1 -> dimL BIGLIST
>"<Show the string>"
>Disp SHOWstr
>"</Show the string>"
>"<Get the very first word>"
>Disp SHOWstr
>Okay, this was difficult (for me) but here's the part that stumps me is how
>to extract like, 1 address book entry from a string and a list. What I've
>got above extracts data from an entire string, but not just a bit of it.
>o w e n c a n n o n
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