Re: TIB: Basic Conversion Question


Re: TIB: Basic Conversion Question

I've made this conversion chart to help you:

TI-BASIC                          QBASIC

If (condition)                    IF (condition) THEN (statement)

If (condition)                    IF (condition) THEN
Then                                 (statements)
(statements)                      END IF

If (condition)                    IF (condition) THEN
Then                                 (statements)
(statements)                      ELSE
Else                                 (statements)
(statements)                      END IF

While (condition)                 DO WHILE (condition)
(statements)                         (statements)
End                               LOOP

Repeat (condition)                DO
(statements)                         (statements)
End                               LOOP UNTIL (condition)

Pause                             DO WHILE INKEY$="":LOOP

Lbl (label)                       (label):

Goto (label)                      same syntax

Stop                              SYSTEM

Input [(prompt),]                 same syntax

Prompt (variable)                 INPUT "(variable)=?", (variable)

Disp (value)                      PRINT (value)

Disp (value1), (value2)           PRINT value1):PRINT (value2)

Output(row, col, value)           LOCATE row, col:PRINT value

getKey                            INKEY$
(returns a number)                (returns a string)

ClrHome                           CLS

fPart(x)                          x - INT(x)

inString( )                       INSTR( )

length( )                         LEN( )

sub( )                            MID$( )

(square root)                     SQR( )

If the TI-BASIC code looks wrong, it's because you have an 89 and I don't.

>----Original Message Follows----
>Subject: TIB: Basic Conversion Question
>Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2000 21:28:18 EDT
>I have a question...
>can anyone or does ne one know how to convert from TIB to QBasic???
>_/ |= |= |=
>||  "Who are the AD-WIZARDS that came up with this one?!?!?!"   ||
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