Re: TIB: Southpark


Re: TIB: Southpark

On the 86's there is silent linking.  I think you can just use the Get(
command along with the Pause.  How I think this works, is one calc is on
pause and it will stay that way till a variable is sent to it, or a
variable is retrieved from it.  One of the two, I don't remember.  There
is a game already that is supposed to do this.  It's Naughts and Crosses
I think and is in the 86 basic games directory on  I Hope
this is helpful to someone

Marc Puts wrote:

> You know, it's not so hard to make the multiplayer version,
> but what I'd like to see it that the other calc automaticly
> detects when it's his turn. Now I have to put an waiting
> screen on the other calc, and you must press enter when it's
> your turn. What I could do is wait until a certain variable
> gets a certain value, but then, the first calc doesn't know
> if the second calc has received that variable.
> Bit complicated, not?
> Bye,
>   __  __
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