Re: TIB: Re: Re: PC Serial Port Availability


Re: TIB: Re: Re: PC Serial Port Availability

On a similar vein, is there Graph link for USB??? I have an iMac and I'm
wondering if it'll work...
o w e n  c a n n o n

> From: "Miles Raymond" <>
> Organization: HomeTech
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 19:35:18 -0600
> To: <>
> Subject: TIB: Re: Re: PC Serial Port Availability
> You have little idea of what you just said, don't you?
> There are things I must explain about this.  There are conflict problems
> with not only COM ports, but the IRQ they attain also.  Best results are
> when each device has its own COM port and each COM port has its own IRQ.
> Common are limitations of only 4 COM ports, assigned an IRQ in a range of 3
> to 7.  Newer software (Win95/8, and newer OSes) can handle more COM ports,
> although many people favor USB over the dying serial port.
> If you have an internal modem, and still have the instruction manuel, assign
> a COM port of 4 to it.  If it isn't PnP, you'll have to look in your Device
> Manager (Start|Settings|Control Panel|System|Device Manager|Computer) to
> find what IRQs are available for your PC and assign one that isn't being
> used to your modem.  The lower the IRQ, the higher the priority.
> For the COM ports in your motherboard, you'll have to get into your mobo's
> BIOS to change the settings for those.  If it is extremely old, you might
> even have to open up your PC and mess w/ jumpers.  IF YOU HAVE TO OPEN YOUR
> THIS.  Change the serial port(s) on your computer to use COM ports 1 and 2.
> Give the lowest IRQ to the COM port you plan to attach your mouse to, as
> most serial mice preform sluggish if not above IRQ 5.
> Set up your devices in Windows accordingly or remove the old ones and search
> for new (changed) hardware (Start|Settings|Control Panel|Add New Hardware).
> It helps if you have two external serial ports and an internal modem.  If
> you don't, then you're out of luck and you'll have to switch no matter what.
> If you have a PS/2 mouse port on your PC, for GOD'S SAKES!! USE IT!!  Not
> only is the mouse response incredibly faster, it won't slow down your system
> by using another IRQ on the serial bus!
> -Miles Raymond      EML:
> ICQ: 13217756       IRC: Killer2        AIM: kilier2
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bryan Rabeler" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 6:30 PM
> Subject: TIB: Re: PC Serial Port Availability
>> You should really be asking this on TI-Hardware.. but anyway..
>> Some computers have a PS/2 style mouse which doesn't use one of your
> serial
>> ports, and others have a serial mouse that does.  I assume you probably
> have the
>> latter..?  If so, there is nothing you can really do about it, except log
> off
>> the internet if you want to use your graph link.  You could put your modem
> &
>> graph link on the same IRQ and the mouse on the other IRQ and that could
> work.
>> Bryan
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "G.E.Cook" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 6:14 PM
>> Subject: TIB: PC Serial Port Availability
>> I have an old 486 computer running Windows 3.1. In order to transfer
>> programs to my TI-86 (or HP-48g), I find I have to reboot the computer
>> using a special boot-up disk removing all references to my mouse in the
>> autoexec.bat file. The mouse  uses serial port  #2. My internal modem uses
>> serial port #1. I can then use keyboard functions to move around Win
> 3.1and
>> WLINK86  to transfer files back and forth using serial port #2. This
>> procedure is a real pain!!
>> My questions are:
>> 1)  How do other people get an available Serial Port (and an unused IRQ)
> on
>> a PC?
>> 2)  Is the TI-89 file X-fer program is only available for Win 95 and up ?
>> Or can the TI-86 WLINK86.EXE be used?
>> Thanx

Follow-Ups: References: