Re: TIB: Re: GetCalc/SendCalc


Re: TIB: Re: GetCalc/SendCalc

A friend and I figured out exactly how to use the link commands efficiently,
like in games, two years ago, at least on the 86. After the Get() you put a
menu() or Pause , so it can wait for it. when it is out of the
not-calculating state, the receiver sends a special "I got it" message to
the sender. The sender, all the while, is Sending, then Getting, and
checking the Get, and ending the loop if what it received was the "I got it"
message. This doesn't work well for real time games, but it works pretty
well in most games, and it is possible to incorporate it into real time
engines. There are more little algorithm tricks that can be done with the
Send/Get commands, also using Output("CBLSend") and Input("CBLGet"). Ask my
friend Brendan all about it. He's not on the list, but he's email is  He doesn't check his email often, so **** with him.

I hope this helped answer your questions.

MM MM   I     T   C   C H   H O   O
M M M   I     T   C     HHHHH O   O
M   M   I     T   C   C H   H O   O
M   M IIIII   T    CCC  H   H  OOO

"Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, and today's a gift.  That's why
they call it the present."  - Adam Abrams, DJ, KOOL108

> Really? do you have an example?
> Sth I have noticed is that when the 2 calcs are in getcalc, if you press on
> on a calc, the second will break too.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 2:47 AM
> Subject: TIB: GetCalc/SendCalc
>> Has anyone else noticed that the link routines behave strangely when
> sending
>> or receiving local variables?  Routines that work with global vars
> sometimes
>> don't with locals.  How annoying!
>> Grant Elliott
>> <A HREF="">Programmers
>> Anonymous</A>
