Re: TIB: Re: Re:Newbie Help
Re: TIB: Re: Re:Newbie Help
to set the variable base number, which I am assuming what the variable is
worth, in a program that is already made, you're going to need to find where
it defines the cost of the item. gotta look for (VALUE) -> (variable you're
looking for)...You're looking for something that's not defined in what you
gave us. And, if you can't find it, try putting this in front of where you
buy the item:
If A==100
150 ->(store to)A
This changes the price of item A, which is currently 100 units, to 150 units.
This needs to be inserted right before the program takes away whatever money
the item costs. However, you only need to do this if you cannot find where
it defines how much an item costs. Hope this helps, because I have a
tendency to confuse people when I try to help them...;)