TIB: Newbie Here
TIB: Newbie Here
I just bought a TI-86 afew weeks ago and I've started down the long road
of learning Basic. My first step was to deconstruct HicQuest 86 (Just
happened to be first DL) learning how to change all the aspects of the
game in the process learning the basics of basic.
We'll I've gotten to the point where I'm starting to get some what of a
hang on basic but I've missed one thing somewhere. I cant seem to change
the varibles on the costs of stuff. Heres the main problem lines:
:Input "How many? ",U
:If U>C
:Goto AA
:C-U(Arrow Here)C
:U*.60(Arrow Here)U
:B+U(Arrow Here)B
:Goto Y
:Lbl AA
(I put Arrow Here where the arrows where)
All I can get from this whole line is the .60 but I can get nothing
more. Can anyone help me on this subject please?