Re: TIB: Resetting memory


Re: TIB: Resetting memory

Well I already have an 89, so I will probably get an 83+/86 from ebay and
get a cheap lil Organizer for taking notes in school. I must admit though,
the 92 would make a great tool for all the notes I take(I can type faster
than I can write longhand).


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2000 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: TIB: Resetting memory

> No. They're exactly the same in terms of performance and programming
> capability. The only difference is case design, but soon I'll have them
> I'm gonna get an 89 to go with my 92+ for backup and test-taking purposes.
> > is the 89 actually better than the 92/92+, or not really? (disregarding
> cost,
> >
> >  since that isnt really an issue)
> >
> <A HREF="">Prym.8m.Com!</A> Check out my site!
> Matthew Glory, CEO Right Side Minds Battlefield Technology
>                 Former Mercenary
> ICQ:            55807773
> TI-Calc ActiveList: 58286255

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